For most transport purchasing companies, transport costs are a worry and a strain. Dansk Transportoptimering are specialists in transport- and process optimization, and we advise companies in purchasing transport, in optimizing and streamlining transport, distribution and logistics, by examining the underlying transport offer.
Often there are many savings to be attained by optimizing the transport process. Dansk Transportoptimering have assisted customers with a total purchase of transport of more than 5 billion DKK,and have achieved savings for our customers of more than 20 percent.
Dansk Transportoptimerings strength is that we know the transport industry and that we focus on the overall picture. We go through all transport processes, and we locate parts where customers can benefit from optimzations. We secure value in every part of the value chain from supplier, warehouse and production, and through to the end customer. We optimize the entire value chain.
Our focus areas are
External logistics
- Transport
- Storage
- Simulations and calculations
Internal logistics
- Process optimization
- Development of optimization tools
- Transport strategy
We assist our customers through four fases
We evaluate the overall savings potential, based on our customer´s present situation and requirements for the future.
When we have established how we can solve the customer´s challenges by use of a transport optimization process, we prepare a detailed project outline including:
- Project goals
- Sub-activities
- Internal and external use of ressources
- Maximum price for the project
- Milestones in the project
- Time plan
- Any critical factors
Analysis and concept
In this process we gather further data and conducts interviews to obtain the best possible insight in the transport flow of the customer, thus being able to pinpoint the processes with most potential for savings.
We examine internal and external processes, and this fase typically concludes a new transport strategy and covers a number of logistical improvements laid down in a resolution proposal.
Transport provision
Once establishing the new transport strategy in cooperation with the customer, we prepare the provision material, which is based on the given transport available. Once, together with the customer, the material is designed, and we contact the transport providers to negotiate and benchmark, to make sure the customer gets the best optimization based on the best offer. Once we mutually have agreed upon the best solution, new frame agreements is signed with the new transport providers chosen in the provision agreement.
Now the new strategy and the new agreements are ready to be implemented, and we are continously working with the customer in this fase.
We have focus on key indicators and agreements, so the project gets the best start.
After implementation we finish off with an evaluation report, making status over :
- The project’s process
- Achieved results after optimization
- The overall project costs
- Future focus areas and proposal for a maintenance schedule
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