We always focus on you and your challenges, but we have also developed our own set of phases, which most projects go through.
“Based on our experience, a good preparation leads to the best results. You can follow a project from the beginning to the final result on this page.”
We always perform a pre analysis before starting a project.
”We evaluate the overall saving potential, based on your current situation and requirements for the future”
Concluding that we are able to solve your challenges by our transport optimization process, we perform a detailed project description containing:
We collect extensive data and perform interviews to achieve knowledge about your transport flow. This enables us to pinpoint the processes where the most savings can be achieved.
“We go through internal and external processes, and this phase will typically lead to a new transport strategy and a list of logistics improvements drawn up in a project outline proposal”
After determining the new transport strategy in cooperation with you, we will start preparation of the tender document. Having mutually agreed on the tender document together, we contact the transport supplier for benchmarking and negotiations, making sure you get the best optimization. When the best solution has been documented, we sign the new framework agreement with your new transport supplier.
Now the new strategy and the new agreements are ready to be implemented, and we are following you through this process.
“We are focusing on key figures and agreements to ensure the project is off to a good start.”
After implementation we provide an evaluation report, stating following: